Source code for metrics_as_scores.cli.Cli

This is the main entry point for the command line interface (the text
user interface, TUI) of Metrics As Scores. It provides access to a set
of workflows for handling data and running the Web Application.

from metrics_as_scores.cli.MainWorkflow import MainWorkflow

[docs]def cli(): """ Main routine for the command line interface. It runs the main menu in a never-terminating loop (except for when the user presses Ctr+c). """ wf = MainWorkflow() wf.print_welcome() while not wf.stop: try: wf.main_menu() except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception as ex: wf.q.print(text=f'An error ({type(ex).__name__}) has occurred: {str(ex)}', style=wf.style_err) wf.q.print(text='\nRestarting main menu.\n', style=wf.style_err)
if __name__ == '__main__': cli()