Source code for metrics_as_scores.cli.CreateDataset

This module contains the workflow for creating own datasets.

from typing import Union
from metrics_as_scores.__init__ import DATASETS_DIR, MAS_DIR
from metrics_as_scores.cli.Workflow import Workflow
from metrics_as_scores.cli.helpers import isint, isnumeric, get_known_datasets
from metrics_as_scores.distribution.distribution import Dataset, LocalDataset
from import natsort, transform_to_MAS_dataset
from questionary import Choice
from re import match
from os import makedirs
from json import dump
from collections import OrderedDict
from shutil import copyfile
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

default_ds = MAS_DIR.joinpath('./datasets/_default')
:meta private:

[docs]class CreateDatasetWorkflow(Workflow): __doc__ = """ This workflow creates an own, local dataset from a single data source that can be read by Pandas from file or URL. The original dataset needs three columns: For a single sample, one column holds the numeric observation, one holds the ordinal type (name of feature), and one holds the group associated with it. A dataset can hold one or more features, but should hold at least two groups in order to compare distributions of a single sample type across groups. This workflow creates the entire dataset: The manifest JSON, the parametric fits, the pre-generated distributions. When done, the dataset is installed, such that it can be discovered and used by the local Web-Application. If you wish to publish your dataset so that it can be used by others, start the Bundle-workflow from the previous menu afterwards. """.strip()
[docs] def __init__(self, manifest: LocalDataset=None, org_df: pd.DataFrame=None) -> None: super().__init__() self.regex_id = r'^[a-z]+[a-z-_\d]*?[a-z\d]+?$' self.manifest: LocalDataset = manifest self.org_df: pd.DataFrame = org_df self.dataset: Dataset = None if manifest is None and org_df is None else Dataset(ds=manifest, df=org_df)
@property def dataset_dir(self) -> Path: if self.manifest is None: raise Exception('A manifest is required.') return DATASETS_DIR.joinpath(f'./{self.manifest["id"]}') @property def fits_dir(self) -> Path: return self.dataset_dir.joinpath('./fits') @property def densities_dir(self) -> Path: return self.dataset_dir.joinpath('./densities') @property def tests_dir(self) -> Path: return self.dataset_dir.joinpath('./stat-tests') @property def web_dir(self) -> Path: return self.dataset_dir.joinpath('./web') @property def path_manifest(self) -> Path: return self.dataset_dir.joinpath('./manifest.json') @property def path_df_data(self) -> Path: return self.dataset_dir.joinpath('./org-data.csv') @property def path_test_ANOVA(self) -> Path: return self.tests_dir.joinpath('./anova.csv') @property def path_test_KruskalWallis(self) -> Path: return self.tests_dir.joinpath('./kruskal.csv') @property def path_test_TukeyHSD(self) -> Path: return self.tests_dir.joinpath('./tukeyhsd.csv') @property def path_test_ks2samp(self) -> Path: return self.tests_dir.joinpath('./ks2samp.csv') def _set_ideal_values(self, qtypes: list[str]) -> dict[str, Union[float,int]]: type_dict = {} for t in qtypes: type_dict[t] = None ready = False while not ready: use_type_idx = self.ask( rtype=int, prompt='Select a type to set a default value for:', options=list([f'{item[0]}={"None" if item[1] is None else item[1]}' for item in type_dict.items()])) ideal = self.q.text(message=f'Set the ideal value for {qtypes[use_type_idx]} (leave blank for None):', validate=lambda s: s == '' or isnumeric(s)).ask() if ideal == '': ideal = None else: if isint(ideal): ideal = int(ideal) else: ideal = float(ideal) type_dict[qtypes[use_type_idx]] = ideal ready = not self.q.confirm(message='Continue setting ideal values?', default=True).ask() return type_dict def _transform_dataset(self) -> pd.DataFrame: self.q.print('\n' + 10*'-') file_type = self.ask(options=[ 'CSV', 'Excel' ], prompt='What kind of file do you want to read?', rtype=str) path = self.q.text(message='Absolute file path or URL to original file:', validate=lambda s: len(s) > 0).ask().strip().strip('"\'') df: pd.DataFrame = None if file_type == 'CSV': df = self._read_csv(path_like=path) elif file_type == 'Excel': df = self._read_excel(path_like=path) available_cols = OrderedDict({ k: k for k in df.columns.values.tolist() }) if len(available_cols) < 2: raise Exception(f'Need at least one group and one feature. The loaded data frame only has these columns: [{", ".join(available_cols.keys())}]') col_ctx = self.ask(prompt='What is the name of the groups\' column?', options=list(available_cols.keys()), rtype=str) del available_cols[col_ctx] df_dtypes = df.dtypes.to_dict() col_feats = self.q.checkbox(message='Please select all features you would like to include.', choices=[ Choice(title=f'{feat} [{df_dtypes[feat]}]', value=feat) for feat in available_cols.keys() ], validate=lambda str_list: len(str_list) > 0).ask() self.print_info(text_normal='Converting data frame ', text_vital='...') return transform_to_MAS_dataset(df=df, group_col=col_ctx, feature_cols=col_feats) def _read_csv(self, path_like: str) -> pd.DataFrame: sep = self.q.text(message='What is the separator used?', default=',', validate=lambda s: s in [',', ';', ' ', '\t']).ask() dec = self.q.text(message='What is the decimal point?', default='.', validate=lambda s: s in ['.', ',']).ask() return pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=path_like, sep=sep, decimal=dec) def _read_excel(self, path_like: str) -> pd.DataFrame: sheet = self.q.text(message='Which sheet would you like to read?', default='0').ask() if isint(sheet): sheet = int(sheet) header = self.q.text('Zero-based index of header column?', default='0', validate=isint).ask() return pd.read_excel(io=path_like, sheet_name=sheet, header=header) def _is_feature_discrete(self, df: pd.DataFrame, col_data: str, col_type: str, use_type: str) -> bool: temp = df.loc[df[col_type] == use_type, :] vals = temp[col_data].to_numpy() # Check if all values are integer. return np.all(np.mod(vals, 1) == 0) def _create_manifest(self, transformed_df: pd.DataFrame=None) -> tuple[LocalDataset, pd.DataFrame]: jsd: LocalDataset = {} df: pd.DataFrame = None col_data: str = None col_type: str = None col_ctx: str= None if transformed_df is None: self.q.print('You are now asked some basic info about the dataset.', style=self.style_mas) self.q.print(10*'-') file_type = self.ask(options=[ 'CSV', 'Excel' ], prompt='What kind of file do you want to read?', rtype=str) jsd['origin'] = self.q.text(message='Absolute file path or URL to original file:', validate=lambda s: len(s) > 0).ask().strip() if file_type == 'CSV': df = self._read_csv(path_like=jsd['origin']) elif file_type == 'Excel': df = self._read_excel(path_like=jsd['origin']) available_cols = OrderedDict({ k: k for k in df.columns.values.tolist() }) col_data = self.ask(prompt='Which column holds the data?', options=list(available_cols.keys()), rtype=str) del available_cols[col_data] col_type = self.ask(prompt='What is the name of the features\' column?', options=list(available_cols.keys()), rtype=str) del available_cols[col_type] col_ctx = self.ask(prompt='What is the name of the groups\' column?', options=list(available_cols.keys()), rtype=str) del available_cols[col_ctx] self.q.print('') self.print_info(text_normal='Having an original data frame with ', text_vital=f'{len(df.index)} rows.') else: df = transformed_df self.print_info(text_normal='', text_vital=f'Using transformed data frame with {len(df.index)} rows.') col_data = 'Value' col_type = 'Feature' col_ctx = 'Group' jsd['colname_data'] = col_data jsd['colname_type'] = col_type jsd['colname_context'] = col_ctx # Now we only retain those two columns and all complete rows df = df.loc[:, [col_data, col_type, col_ctx]] df = df.loc[~(df.isna().any(axis=1)), :] # Let's convert the feature and group column to string. df[col_type] = df[col_type].astype(str) df[col_ctx] = df[col_ctx].astype(str) qtypes = list([str(a) for a in df[col_type].unique()]) qtypes.sort(key=natsort) contexts = list([str(a) for a in df[col_ctx].unique()]) contexts.sort(key=natsort) jsd['contexts'] = contexts self.print_info(text_normal='The following features were found: ', text_vital=', '.join(qtypes)) self.print_info(text_normal='The following groups exist in the data: ', text_vital=', '.join(contexts)) # Let's ask some descriptions for qtypes and contexts: self.q.print('\nYou should now enter a very brief (max. 50 characters) description for each feature.\n') jsd['desc_qtypes'] = { qtype: None for qtype in qtypes } for qtype in qtypes: jsd['desc_qtypes'][qtype] = self.q.text(message=f'Enter a description for {qtype}: ', validate=lambda s: len(s) > 0 and len(s) <= 50).ask().strip() self.q.print('\nYou can now enter an optional brief (max. 50 characters) description for each group.\n') jsd['desc_contexts'] = { ctx: None for ctx in contexts } for ctx in contexts: temp = self.q.text(message=f'Enter an optional description for {ctx} (empty for none): ', validate=lambda s: len(s) <= 50).ask().strip() jsd['desc_contexts'][ctx] = None if len(temp) == 0 else temp # Determine if features are discrete or continuous jsd['qtypes'] = { t: None for t in qtypes } self.q.print('\nChecking data for each type, whether it is discrete or continuous..') for t in qtypes: # _is_feature_discrete self.print_info(text_normal='Checking type: ', text_vital=t, end='') is_disc = self._is_feature_discrete(df=df, col_data=col_data, col_type=col_type, use_type=t) jsd['qtypes'][t] = 'discrete' if is_disc else 'continuous' self.q.print(f' [{jsd["qtypes"][t]}]') # Ideal Values: self.q.print(f'\nYou can now define custom ideal values for each feature.', style=self.style_mas) self.q.print(10*'-') self.q.print(''' An ideal (utopian) value for a feature represents the most desirable value for it. Depending on your use case, it is possible that there is no such value for each feature. For example, in software metrics, the lowest possible - and therefore most desirable - value for complexity, is 1. Most other software metrics, however, do not have such an ideal value. For example, there is no best value for lines of code (size) of software. '''.strip()) self.q.print(10*'-') if self.q.confirm('Define Ideal Values Now?', default=True).ask(): jsd['ideal_values'] = self._set_ideal_values(qtypes=qtypes) self.q.print('\n' + 10*'-' + '\n') else: jsd['ideal_values'] = { t: None for t in qtypes } jsd['name'] = self.q.text(message='Name of the Dataset:', validate=lambda s: len(s) > 0).ask().strip() jsd['desc'] = self.q.text(message='Write a short description:', validate=lambda s: len(s) > 0).ask().strip() known_datasets = { ds['id']: ds for ds in get_known_datasets() } self.print_info(text_normal='Now you need to choose an ID for your dataset. It must NOT be one of these: ', text_vital=', '.join(known_datasets.keys()), arrow='') jsd['id'] = self.q.text(message='ID (2+ chars, lowercase, start+end must be letter):', validate=lambda t: match(self.regex_id, t) is not None and not t in known_datasets).ask().strip() temp: list[str] = self.q.text(message='Author(s) (first and last, separate authors by comma):', validate=lambda s: len(s) > 0).ask().strip().split(',') jsd['author'] = list(a.strip() for a in temp) return (jsd, df) def _run_statistical_tests(self) -> None: self.q.print('We will now perform some statistical tests and summarize the results.') self.print_info(text_normal='Performing tests: ', text_vital='Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ...', arrow='\n') anova = self.dataset.analyze_groups(use='anova', qtypes=self.dataset.quantity_types, contexts=list(self.dataset.contexts(include_all_contexts=True)), unique_vals=True) file_anova = str(self.path_test_ANOVA) anova.to_csv(file_anova, index=False) self.print_info(text_normal='Wrote result to: ', text_vital=file_anova) self.print_info(text_normal='Performing tests: ', text_vital='Kruskal-Wallis H-test ...', arrow='\n') kruskal = self.dataset.analyze_groups(use='kruskal', qtypes=self.dataset.quantity_types, contexts=list(self.dataset.contexts(include_all_contexts=True)), unique_vals=True) file_kruskal = str(self.path_test_KruskalWallis) kruskal.to_csv(file_kruskal, index=False) self.print_info(text_normal='Wrote result to: ', text_vital=file_kruskal) self.print_info(text_normal='Performing tests: ', text_vital='Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS2) ...', arrow='\n') ks2samp = self.dataset.analyze_distr(qtypes=self.dataset.quantity_types, use_ks_2samp=True) file_ks2samp = str(self.path_test_ks2samp) ks2samp.to_csv(file_ks2samp, index=False) self.print_info(text_normal='Wrote result to: ', text_vital=file_ks2samp) self.print_info(text_normal='Performing tests: ', text_vital="Tukey's Honest Significance Test (TukeyHSD) ...", arrow='\n') tukeyhsd = self.dataset.analyze_TukeyHSD(qtypes=self.dataset.quantity_types) file_tukey = str(self.path_test_TukeyHSD) tukeyhsd.to_csv(file_tukey, index=False) self.print_info(text_normal='Wrote result to: ', text_vital=file_tukey) def _make_dirs(self) -> None: for dir in [self.dataset_dir, self.fits_dir, self.densities_dir, self.tests_dir, self.web_dir]: if not dir.exists(): makedirs(str(dir.resolve())) def _init_dataset(self) -> None: for file in ['./About.qmd', './_quarto.yml', './refs.bib', './web/about.html', './web/references.html']: copyfile(src=str(default_ds.joinpath(file)), dst=str(self.dataset_dir.joinpath(file))) # We also need to write out variables for Quarto. # We will write into the _quarto.yaml for better compatibility. with open(file=str(self.dataset_dir.joinpath('./_quarto.yml')), mode='a', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(f'\ntitle: {self.manifest["name"]}\n') fp.write('\nauthor:') for a in self.manifest['author']: fp.write(f'\n - {a}') def _save_manifest_and_data(self) -> None: with open(file=self.path_manifest, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: dump(obj=self.manifest, fp=fp, indent=2) self.org_df.to_csv(path_or_buf=self.path_df_data, index=False)
[docs] def create_own(self) -> None: """ Main entry point for this workflow. """ self._print_doc(more=''' You are about to create a new Dataset from a resource that can be read by Pandas (e.g., a CSV from file or URL). A Dataset that can be used by Metrics-As-Scores requires a manifest (that will be created as part of this process), parametric fits, as well as pre-generated distributions that are used in the Web Application. The following workflow will take you through the creation of the dataset, and other workflows exist to cover the fitting of random variables and generating densities.''') self._wait_for(what_for='to begin') self.q.print('') self.q.print(text=''' Metrics As Scores requires the data to be in a specific format: A 3-column data frame, where one column holds the name of the feature, one holding the name of the group, and one holding the associated value. This special format also allows to mix integral and real values in the data column, as Metrics As Scores will detect possible integrality automatically, per feature. If your data is not in that format, but rather in the much more common format where the data frame has one column with the group names, and a dedicated column for each feature, then you have now the choice to transform such a data frame into the format required by Metrics As Scores before proceeding with the creation process. '''.strip()) transformed_df: pd.DataFrame = None self.q.print('') if self.q.confirm(message='Would you like to transform a data frame first?', default=False).ask(): transformed_df = self._transform_dataset() self.manifest, self.org_df = self._create_manifest(transformed_df=transformed_df) self.dataset = Dataset(ds=self.manifest, df=self.org_df) # Let's attempt to ascertain that the dataset has sufficiently many observations: try: self.dataset.has_sufficient_observations(raise_if_not=True) except Exception as ex: self.q.print(text=str(ex), style=self.style_err) self.q.print(text='The dataset does not contain sufficiently many observations and cannot be used as-is with Metrics As Scores. At least two observations per feature and group are required.') return # Let's create a folder for this dataset (by ID) and out the files there. self._make_dirs() # Let's copy specific files from the default over to the new dataset: self._init_dataset() # Let's write out the manifest and the dataset: self._save_manifest_and_data() self.q.print('') self.print_info(text_normal='Wrote manifest to: ', text_vital=str(self.path_manifest)) self.print_info(text_normal='Wrote original dataset to: ', text_vital=str(self.path_df_data)) self.q.print('\n' + 10*'-' + '\n') # Let's run the statistical tests and write them out: self._run_statistical_tests() self.q.print('\n' + 10*'-' + '\n') self.q.print(text=f''' Your dataset was created and initialized in: {str(self.dataset_dir.resolve())} In order to use your dataset, you need to pre-generate densities for the Web Application. If you would also like to fit parametric random variables and generate densities for those, you need to do that first, however. If you want to publicize your dataset and share it with others, you need to edit the files 'about.html' and 'references.html' in the /web folder of your newly created dataset. Before bundling, you must create an 'About.pdf' file. You may use Quarto to knit the default 'About.qmd' that will produce a nice-looking overview and include some qualitative results of the conducted statistical tests (ANOVA and TukeyHSD).''', style=self.style_mas) self.q.print('\n' + 10*'-' + '\n')