Source code for metrics_as_scores.cli.GenerateDensities

This module contains the workflow for generating densities from own datasets.
These are required so that the own dataset can be used in the web application.

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from os import cpu_count
from metrics_as_scores.__init__ import DATASETS_DIR
from metrics_as_scores.cli.Workflow import Workflow
from metrics_as_scores.cli.helpers import isint, get_local_datasets
from metrics_as_scores.distribution.distribution import Parametric, Parametric_discrete, DistTransform, Dataset, LocalDataset, Empirical, Empirical_discrete, KDE_approx
from import generate_parametric, generate_empirical, generate_empirical_discrete
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

[docs]class GenerateDensitiesWorkflow(Workflow): __doc__ = ''' This workflow generates density-related functions that are used by the Web Application. While those can be large, generating them on-the-fly is usually not possible in acceptable time. Using pre-generated functions is a trade-off between space and user experience, where we sacrifice the former as it is cheaper. For each feature and each group, we pre-generate functions for the probability density (PDF), the cumulative distribution (CDF) and its complement (CCDF), as well as the quantile (or percent point) function (PPF). So for one feature and one group, we pre-generate one density that unites those four functions. There are 5 primary classes of densities: Parametric, Parametric_discrete, Empirical, Empirical_discrete, and KDE_approx. Please refer to the documentation for details about these. Generating parametric densities uses the computed fits from another workflow, is cheap, fast, and does not consume much space. KDE_approx makes excessive use of oversampling (by design), which can result in large files. The empirical densities' size corresponds to the size of the dataset you are using (although there is a high limit beyond which sampling will be applied). '''.strip()
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.use_ds: LocalDataset = None self.ds: Dataset = None self.fits_dir: Path = None self.densities_dir: Path = None self.num_cpus = 1
def _generate_parametric(self) -> None: grid = dict( clazz = [Parametric, Parametric_discrete], transform = list(DistTransform)) expanded_grid = pd.DataFrame(ParameterGrid(param_grid=grid)) Parallel(n_jobs=min(self.num_cpus, len(expanded_grid.index)))(delayed(generate_parametric)(self.ds, self.densities_dir, self.fits_dir, expanded_grid.iloc[i,]['clazz'], expanded_grid.iloc[i,]['transform']) for i in range(len(expanded_grid.index))) def _generate_empirical_kde(self) -> None: grid = dict( clazz = [Empirical, KDE_approx], transform = list(DistTransform)) expanded_grid = pd.DataFrame(ParameterGrid(param_grid=grid)) Parallel(n_jobs=min(self.num_cpus, len(expanded_grid.index)))(delayed(generate_empirical)(self.ds, self.densities_dir, expanded_grid.iloc[i,]['clazz'], expanded_grid.iloc[i,]['transform']) for i in range(len(expanded_grid.index))) def _generate_empirical_discrete(self) -> None: grid = dict( clazz = [Empirical_discrete], transform = list(DistTransform)) expanded_grid = pd.DataFrame(ParameterGrid(param_grid=grid)) Parallel(n_jobs=min(self.num_cpus, len(expanded_grid.index)))(delayed(generate_empirical_discrete)(self.ds, self.densities_dir, expanded_grid.iloc[i,]['transform']) for i in range(len(expanded_grid.index)))
[docs] def pre_generate(self) -> None: """Main entry point for this workflow.""" self._print_doc() datasets = list(get_local_datasets()) self.use_ds = self.askt( prompt='Select the local dataset you want to pre-generate densities for:', options=list([(f'{ds["name"]} [{ds["id"]}] by {", ".join(ds["author"])}', ds) for ds in datasets])) dataset_dir = DATASETS_DIR.joinpath(f'./{self.use_ds["id"]}') self.ds = Dataset(ds=self.use_ds, df=pd.read_csv(str(dataset_dir.joinpath('./org-data.csv')))) self.fits_dir = dataset_dir.joinpath(f'./fits') self.densities_dir = dataset_dir.joinpath(f'./densities') self.q.print(''' We are ready now to pre-generate densities. This will require up to approx. 10 GB of space. It is recommended to run the following on a resourceful computer and to exploit the highest possible degree of parallelism available.'''.strip()) max_cpus = cpu_count() self.num_cpus = int(self.q.text(f'How many cores should I use (1-{max_cpus})?', default=str(max_cpus), validate=lambda s: isint(s) and int(s) > 0 and int(s) <= max_cpus).ask()) self._generate_parametric() self._generate_empirical_kde() self._generate_empirical_discrete()