Source code for metrics_as_scores.cli.Workflow

This module contains the base class for all workflows.

from typing import TypeVar
from rich.console import Console
import questionary
from questionary import Choice

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]class Workflow: """ This is the base class for all workflows. It features a few common methods that we use in the derived workflows. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.c = Console() self.q = questionary self.style_mas = 'bold fg:#8B8000 bg:#000' self.style_err = 'bold fg:#8B0000 bg:#000'
def _print_doc(self, more: str='') -> None: self.q.print(10*'-' + '\n') self.q.print(type(self).__doc__.strip() + more + '\n') self.q.print(10*'-' + '\n') def _wait_for(self, what_for: str) -> None: self.q.print(text=f'Press [Enter] {what_for}.', style=self.style_mas, end='') return self.q.text(message='', qmark='').ask()
[docs] def ask(self, options: list[str], prompt: str='You now have the following options:', rtype: T=int) -> T: """ Common method to ask for a selection of options among a list of choices. Options are indexed starting from `0`. If the chosen return type is int, the index is returned; the option as a string, otherwise. options: ``list[str]`` A list of options to choose (select) from. prompt: ``str`` The prompt shown to the user. :rtype: ``T`` Returns either int (the index) or the option itself (of any type) :return: The index of the chosen option or the chosen option itself. """ res = self.askt( options=list([(options[idx], idx) for idx in range(len(options))]), prompt=prompt) if res == None: # When user cancels return None if rtype == str: return options[res] return res
[docs] def askt(self, options: list[tuple[str, T]], prompt: str='You now have the following options:') -> T: """ Wrapper around :py:meth:`ask()` that can use any type associated with an option. options: ``list[tuple[str, T]]`` The options, the text to show and the associated value for each prompt: ``str`` The prompt shown to the user. :rtype: ``T`` :return: Returns the selected option's associated value. """ choices = list([Choice(title=options[idx][0], value=options[idx][1]) for idx in range(len(options))]) return, choices=choices, use_shortcuts=True).ask()
[docs] def print_info(self, text_normal: str, text_vital: str=None, end: str=None, arrow: str=' -> ') -> None: """ Used to print an info that consists of a normal text (without extra styles) and a vital text that has some extra styling applied to emphasize it. text_normal: ``str`` The text that does not have extra styling text_vital: ``str`` The text with extra styling for emphasis. end: ``str`` The string to print at the end of the info. arrow: ``str`` The string to print at the beginning of the info. """ kwargs = {} if end != None: kwargs['end'] = end text_normal = f'{arrow}{text_normal}' if text_vital == None: self.q.print(text=text_normal, **kwargs) else: self.q.print(text=text_normal, end='') self.q.print(text=text_vital, style=self.style_mas, **kwargs)