Source code for

This module contains a single function that is used in highly parallel
scenarios for fitting continuous and discrete random variables to data.

import pandas as pd
from nptyping import Float, NDArray, Shape
from tqdm import tqdm
from numpy.random import default_rng
from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure import rv_continuous, rv_discrete
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from metrics_as_scores.distribution.distribution import DistTransform, Dataset
from import fit, Fitter, FitResult
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid

[docs]def generate_parametric_fits( ds: Dataset, num_jobs: int, fitter_type: type[Fitter], dist_transform: DistTransform, selected_rvs_c: list[type[rv_continuous]], selected_rvs_d: list[type[rv_discrete]], data_dict: dict[str, NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]], transform_values_dict: dict[str, float], data_discrete_dict: dict[str, NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]], transform_values_discrete_dict: dict[str, float] ) -> list[FitResult]: """ The thinking is this: To each data series we can always fit a continuous distribution, whether it's discrete or continuous data. The same is not true the other way round, i.e., we must not fit a discrete distribution if the data is known to be continuous. Therefore, we do the following: - Regardless of the data, always attempt to fit a continuous RV - For all discrete data, also attempt to fit a discrete RV That means that for discrete data, we will have two kinds of fitted RVs. Also, when fitting a continuous RV to discrete data, we will add jitter to the data. ds: ``Dataset`` The data, needed for obtaining quantity types and contexts. Also passed forward to :py:meth:`fit()`. num_jobs: ``int`` Degree of parallelization used. fitter_type: ``type[Fitter]`` The class for the fitter to use, either :py:class:`Fitter` or :py:class:`FitterPymoo`. dist_transform: ``DistTransform`` The transform for which to generate parametric fits for. Later, we will save a single file per transform, containing all related fits. selected_rvs_c: ``list[type[rv_continuous]]`` Continuous RVs to attempt to fit. selected_rvs_d: ``list[type[rv_discrete]]`` Discrete RVs to attempt to fit. data_dict: ``dict[str, NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]]`` A dictionary where they key consists of the context and the quantity type. For each entry, it contains a 1-D array of data used for fitting. transform_values_dict: ``dict[str, float]`` Similar to ``data_dict``, this dictionary contains the transformation value that was used to transform the data in the 1-D array. data_discrete_dict: ``dict[str, NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]]`` Like ``data_dict``, but for discrete RVs fitted to discrete data. transform_values_discrete_dict: ``dict[str, float]`` Like ``transform_values_dict``, but for the discrete datas. :return: A list of :py:class:``FitResult`` objects. """ expanded_grid: pd.DataFrame = None all_types = ds.quantity_types if len(all_types) > 0 and len(selected_rvs_c) > 0: param_grid = { 'context': list(ds.contexts(include_all_contexts=True)), 'qtype': all_types, # Fit continuous to all 'rv': list([rv.__name__ for rv in selected_rvs_c]), # continuous here, discrete below 'type': ['continuous'], 'dist_transform': [dist_transform] } expanded_grid = pd.DataFrame(ParameterGrid(param_grid=param_grid)) discrete_types = ds.quantity_types_discrete # We will not cover this because it is too expensive to try and # fit a discrete random variable. if len(discrete_types) > 0 and len(selected_rvs_d) > 0: # pragma: no cover # Only fit discrete if we have it param_grid = { 'context': list(ds.contexts(include_all_contexts=True)), 'qtype': discrete_types, 'rv': list([rv.__name__ for rv in selected_rvs_d]), 'type': ['discrete'], 'dist_transform': [dist_transform] } temp = pd.DataFrame(ParameterGrid(param_grid=param_grid)) expanded_grid = temp if expanded_grid is None else pd.concat([expanded_grid, temp]) if expanded_grid is None: raise Exception('Not enough quantity types and random variables were selected for fitting. Aborting.') def get_datas(grid_idx) -> tuple[NDArray[Shape["*"], Float], NDArray[Shape["*"], Float], float]: row = expanded_grid.iloc[grid_idx,] key = f'{row.context}_{row.qtype}' key_u = f'{key}_u' discrete_discrete = ds.is_qtype_discrete(qtype=row.qtype) and row.rv in selected_rvs_d if discrete_discrete: # Fit a discrete RV to discrete data return (data_discrete_dict[key], data_discrete_dict[key_u], transform_values_discrete_dict[key]) # pragma: no cover return (data_dict[key], data_dict[key_u], transform_values_dict[key]) rng = default_rng(seed=76543210) indexes = rng.choice(a=list(range(len(expanded_grid))), replace=False, size=len(expanded_grid)) return Parallel(n_jobs=num_jobs)(delayed(fit)(ds, fitter_type, i, expanded_grid.iloc[i,], dist_transform, *get_datas(grid_idx=i)) for i in tqdm(indexes))