Source code for

This is an extra module that holds functions globally, such that we can exploit
multiprocessing effortlessly. Here, the main :py:meth:`fit()` function is defined.

import numpy as np
from pickle import dump
from typing import TypedDict, Union
from nptyping import Float, NDArray, Shape
from metrics_as_scores.distribution.distribution import DistTransform, Dataset
from metrics_as_scores.distribution.fitting import Continuous_RVs, Discrete_RVs, Fitter, StatisticalTest, StatisticalTestJson
from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure import rv_continuous, rv_discrete
from timeit import default_timer as timer

Continuous_RVs_dict: dict[str, type[rv_continuous]] = { x: y for (x, y) in zip(map(lambda rv: type(rv).__name__, Continuous_RVs), map(lambda rv: type(rv), Continuous_RVs)) }
Dictionary of continuous random variables that are supported by `scipy.stats`.
Note this is a dictionary of types, rather than instances.
Discrete_RVs_dict: dict[str, type[rv_discrete]] = { x: y for (x, y) in zip(map(lambda rv: type(rv).__name__, Discrete_RVs), map(lambda rv: type(rv), Discrete_RVs)) }
Dictionary of discrete random variables that are supported by `scipy.stats`.
Note this is a dictionary of types, rather than instances.

[docs]def get_data_tuple( ds: Dataset, qtype: str, dist_transform: DistTransform, continuous_transform: bool=True ) -> list[tuple[str, NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]]]: """ This method is part of the workflow for computing parametric fits. For a specific type of quantity and transform, it creates datasets for all available contexts. ds: ``Dataset`` qtype: ``str`` The type of quantity to get datasets for. dist_transform: ``DistTransform`` The chosen distribution transform. continuous_transform: ``bool`` Whether the transform is real-valued or must be converted to integer. :rtype: ``list[tuple[str, NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]]]`` :return: A list of tuples of three elements. The first element is a key that identifies the context, the quantity type, and whether the data was computed using unique values (see :meth:`Dataset.transform()`). """ l = [] for ctx in ds.contexts(include_all_contexts=True): for unique_vals in [True, False]: data =, context=(None if ctx == '__ALL__' else ctx), unique_vals=unique_vals, sub_sample=25_000) transform_value, data = Dataset.transform(data=data, dist_transform=dist_transform, continuous_value=continuous_transform) key = f"{ctx}_{qtype}{('_u' if unique_vals else '')}" l.append((key, data, transform_value)) return l
[docs]class FitResult(TypedDict): """ This class is derived from :py:class:`TypedDict` and holds all properties related to a single fit result, that is, a single specific configuration that was fit to a 1-D array of data. """ grid_idx: int dist_transform: str transform_value: Union[float, None] params: dict[str, Union[float, int]] # Also, from row.to_dict(): context: str qtype: str rv: str type: str stat_tests: StatisticalTestJson
[docs]def fit( ds: Dataset, fitter_type: type[Fitter], grid_idx: int, row, dist_transform: DistTransform, the_data: NDArray[Shape["*"], Float], the_data_unique: NDArray[Shape["*"], Float], transform_value: Union[float, None], write_temporary_results: bool=False ) -> FitResult: """ This is the main stand-alone function that computes a single parametric fit to a single 1-D array of data. This function is used in Parallel contexts and, therefore, lives on module top level so it can be serialized. ds: ``Dataset`` The data, needed for obtaining quantity types and contexts. Also passed forward to :py:meth:`fit()`. fitter_type: ``type[Fitter]`` The class for the fitter to use, either :py:class:`Fitter` or :py:class:`FitterPymoo`. grid_idx: ``int`` This is only used so it can be stored in the :py:class:``FitResult``. This method itself does not have access to the grid. dist_transform: ``DistTransform`` The transform for which to generate parametric fits for. Later, we will save a single file per transform, containing all related fits. the_data: ``NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]`` The 1-D data used for fitting the RV. the_data_unique: ``NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]`` 1-D Array of data. In case of continuous data, it is the same as ``the_data``. In case of discrete data, the data in this array contains a slight jitter as to make all data points unique. Using this data is relevant for conducting statistical goodness of fit tests. :return: The :py:class:``FitResult``. If the RV could not be fitted, then the parameters in the fitting result will have a value of ``None``. This is so this method does not throw exceptions. In case of a failure, no statistical tests are computed, either. """ start = timer() import sys if not sys.warnoptions: import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") qtype = row.qtype fit_continuous = row.type == 'continuous' RV: type[Union[rv_continuous, rv_discrete]] = None if fit_continuous: RV = Continuous_RVs_dict[row.rv] else: # pragma: no cover # We will not cover testing fitting of discrete RVs. RV = Discrete_RVs_dict[row.rv] unique_vals = ds.is_qtype_discrete(qtype=qtype) and fit_continuous data = the_data_unique if unique_vals else the_data ret_dict: FitResult = {} ret_dict.update(row.to_dict()) ret_dict.update(dict( grid_idx = grid_idx, # Override with a string value. dist_transform =, transform_value = transform_value, params = None, stat_tests = None)) try: fitter = fitter_type(dist=RV) params =, verbose=False) params_tuple = tuple(params.values()) ret_dict.update(dict(params = params)) dist = RV() temp_cdf = lambda x: dist.cdf(*(x, *params_tuple)) temp_ppf = lambda x: dist.ppf(*(x, *params_tuple)) data_st = data if not unique_vals else np.rint(data) # Remove jitter for test st = StatisticalTest(data1=data_st, cdf=temp_cdf, ppf_or_data2=temp_ppf, max_samples=25_000) ret_dict.update(dict(stat_tests = dict(st))) except Exception: # pragma: no cover # print(e) # Do nothing at the moment, and allow returning a dict without params and stat_tests pass finally: # pragma: no cover if write_temporary_results: end = timer() - start print(f'DONE! it took {format(end, "0>5.0f")} seconds ({row.type}), [{row.rv}]') with open(f'./results/temp/{grid_idx}_{format(end, "0>5.0f")}', 'wb') as f: dump(ret_dict, f) return ret_dict