Source code for metrics_as_scores.distribution.fitting_problems

This module contains :code:`pymoo` fitting problems that allow fitting
distributions to almost arbitrary discrete data. The discrete random
variables in :code:`scipy` do not have a :code:`fit()`-method, as their fitting
often requires a global search. Also, many distributions require
discrete parameters, or a mixture of real and integer parameters.
The problems in this module provide a generalized way for `pymoo` to
find parameters for all of :code:`scipy`'s discrete random variables.


import numpy as np
from nptyping import Float, NDArray, Shape
from scipy.stats._discrete_distns import rv_discrete, bernoulli_gen, betabinom_gen, binom_gen, boltzmann_gen, dlaplace_gen, geom_gen, hypergeom_gen, logser_gen, nbinom_gen, nchypergeom_fisher_gen, nchypergeom_wallenius_gen, nhypergeom_gen, planck_gen, poisson_gen, randint_gen, skellam_gen, yulesimon_gen, zipf_gen, zipfian_gen
from pymoo.core.variable import Variable
from pymoo.core.problem import ElementwiseProblem
from pymoo.core.variable import Real, Integer

[docs]class MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem(ElementwiseProblem): """ This is the base class for fitting all of ``scipy``'s discrete random variables. Therefore, it accepts a dictionary of parameters for each distribution to find optimal values for. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dist: rv_discrete, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], vars: dict[str, Variable], n_ieq_constr: int=0, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a fitting any discrete random variable with one or more parameters that can be of any type as supported by ``pymoo.core.variable.Variable`` (e.g., ``Integer``, ``Real``, etc.). Parameters ---------- dist: ``rv_discrete`` An instance of the concrete discrete random variable that should be fit to the data. vars: ``dict[str, Variable]`` An ordered dictionary of named variables to optimize. These must correspond one to one with the variable names of those defined for the random variable. data: ``NDArray[Shape['*'], Float]`` The data the distribution should be fit to. n_ieq_constr: ``int`` Number of inequality constraints. If there are any, then the problem also overrides :meth:`Problem._evaluate()` and sets values for each constraint. """ self.ext = int(np.max(data) - np.min(data)) self.dist = dist # All of them have 'loc': vars['loc'] = Integer(bounds=( int(np.floor(np.min(data))) - (int(5 * self.ext)), int(np.ceil(np.max(data))) + int(5 * self.ext))) super().__init__(vars=vars, n_obj=1, n_ieq_constr=n_ieq_constr, **kwargs) = data
[docs] def _evaluate(self, X, out, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: r""" This is an internal method that evaluates the discrete random variable's negative log likelihood, given the currently set values for all of its variables (stored in ``X``). This method is called by ``pymoo``, so be sure to check out their references, too. Note that the ``X``-dictionary is used to build :math:`\theta`, the vector of parameters for the random variable. The order of the parameters in that vector depends on the order of ``self.vars``. This method usually does not need to be overridden, except for when, e.g., it is required to evaluate (in-)equality constraints (that is, whenever something else than 'F' in the ``out``-dictionary must be accessed). X: ``dict[str, Any]`` The (ordered) dictionary with the variables' names and values. out: ``dict[str, Any]`` A dictionary used by ``pymoo`` to store results in; e.g., in 'F' it stores the result of the evaluation, and in 'G' it stores the inequality constraints' values. :return: Returns the ``out``-dictionary. However, the dictionary is accessed by reference, so this method does not have to return anything. :rtype: ``dict[Any,Any]`` """ theta = () for vn in self.vars.keys(): theta += (X[vn],) out['F'] = self.dist.nnlf(theta=theta, return out
[docs]class Fit_bernoulli_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Bernoulli distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``bernoulli_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``p``: (``int``) :math:`\left[0,1\right]` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=bernoulli_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'p': Real(bounds=[0., 1.]) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_betabinom_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Beta-Binomial distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``betabinom_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``n``: (``int``) :math:`\left(0,1e^{4}\right)` - ``a``: (``float``) :math:`\left(5e^{-308},1e^3\right)` - ``b``: (``float``) :math:`\left(5e^{-308},1e^3\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=betabinom_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'n': Integer(bounds=(0, 10_000)), 'a': Real(bounds=(5e-308, 1e3)), 'b': Real(bounds=(5e-308, 1e3)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_binom_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Binomial distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``binom_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``n``: (``int``) :math:`\left(1,25e^{3}\right)` - ``p``: (``float``) :math:`\left(0,1\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=binom_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'n': Integer(bounds=(1, 25_000)), 'p': Real(bounds=(0., 1.)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_boltzmann_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Boltzman distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``boltzmann_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``lambda`` [:math:`\lambda`]: (``float``) :math:`\left(0,1e^{5}\right)` - ``N``: (``int``) :math:`\left(1,25e^3\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=boltzmann_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'lambda': Real(bounds=(0, 1e5)), 'N': Integer(bounds=(1, 25_000)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_dlaplace_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Laplacian distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``dlaplace_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``a``: (``float``) :math:`\left(5e^{-308},1e^4\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=dlaplace_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'a': Real(bounds=(5e-308, 1e4)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_geom_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Geometric distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``geom_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``p``: (``float``) :math:`\left(0,1\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=geom_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'p': Real(bounds=(0., 1.)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_hypergeom_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Hypergeometric distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``hypergeom_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- This problem **does** override `_evaluate()` and has four inequality constraints. These are: - :math:`n\geq0` (or :math:`-n\leq0`) - :math:`N\geq0` (or :math:`-N\leq0`) - :math:`n\leq M` (or :math:`n-M\leq0`) - :math:`N\leq M` (or :math:`N-M\leq0`) Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``M``: (``int``) :math:`\left(1,25e^{3}\right)` - ``n``: (``int``) :math:`\left(0,25e^{3}\right)` - ``N``: (``int``) :math:`\left(0,25e^{3}\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=hypergeom_gen(), data=data, vars={ #M = [1, 25_000], n = [0, 25_000], N = [0, 25_000] 'M': Integer(bounds=(1, 25_000)), 'n': Integer(bounds=(0, 25_000)), 'N': Integer(bounds=(0, 25_000)) }, n_ieq_constr=4, **kwargs)
[docs] def _evaluate(self, X, out, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Overridden to evaluate the inequality constraints, too. For all other documentaion, check out :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()`. """ out = super()._evaluate(X, out, *args, **kwargs) M, n, N = X['M'], X['n'], X['N'] out['G'] = np.asarray([ -n, # n >= 0 -> -n <= 0 -N, # N >= 0 -> -N <= 0 n - M, # n <= M -> n - M <= 0 N - M] # N <= M -> N - M <= 0 ) return out
[docs]class Fit_logser_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Logarithmic Series distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``logser_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``p``: (``float``) :math:`\left(0,1\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=logser_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'p': Real(bounds=(0., 1.)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_nbinom_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Negative Binomial Series distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``nbinom_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``n``: (``int``) :math:`\left(0,25e^{3}\right)` - ``p``: (``float``) :math:`\left[0,1\right]` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=nbinom_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'n': Integer(bounds=(0, 25_000)), 'p': Real(bounds=[0., 1.]) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_nchypergeom_fisher_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Fisher's Non-central Hypergeometric distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``nchypergeom_fisher_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- This problem **does** override `_evaluate()` and has four inequality constraints. These are: - :math:`N\leq M` (or :math:`N-M\leq0`) - :math:`n\leq M` (or :math:`n-M\leq0`) - :math:`\max{(\text{data})}\leq N` (or :math:`\max{(\text{data})}-N\leq0`) - :math:`\max{(\text{data})}\leq n` (or :math:`\max{(\text{data})}-n\leq0`) Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order; note that :math:`k=` ``data.size``): - ``M``: (``int``) :math:`\left(1,5\times k\right)` - ``n``: (``int``) :math:`\left(1,5\times k\right)` - ``N``: (``int``) :math:`\left(1,5\times k\right)` - ``odds``: (``float``) :math:`\left(5e^{-308},1e^{4}\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): vars = { 'M': Integer(bounds=(1, 5 * data.size)), 'n': Integer(bounds=(1, 5 * data.size)), 'N': Integer(bounds=(1, 5 * data.size)), 'odds': Real(bounds=(5e-308, 1e4)) } super().__init__(dist=nchypergeom_fisher_gen(), data=data, vars=vars, n_ieq_constr=4, **kwargs)
[docs] def _evaluate(self, X, out, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Overridden to evaluate the inequality constraints, too. For all other documentaion, check out :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()`. """ out = super()._evaluate(X=X, out=out, *args, **kwargs) M, n, N, b = X['M'], X['n'], X['N'], np.max( # Let's add the following inequality constraints to the output: out['G'] = np.asarray([ N - M, # N <= M -> N - M <= 0 n - M, # n <= M -> n - M <= 0 b - N, # max(data) <= N -> max(data) - N <= 0 b - n] # max(data) <= n -> max(data) - n <= 0 ) return out
[docs]class Fit_nchypergeom_wallenius_gen(Fit_nchypergeom_fisher_gen): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Wallenius Non-central Hypergeometric distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``nchypergeom_wallenius_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- This distribution has the same parameters and constraints as the nchypergeom_fisher_gen, which is implemented by the problem ``Fit_nchypergeom_fisher_gen`` (which this problem inherits from directly). """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(data, **kwargs) self.dist = nchypergeom_wallenius_gen()
[docs]class Fit_nhypergeom_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Negative Hypergeometric distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``nhypergeom_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``M``: (``int``) :math:`\left(0,25e^3\right)` - ``n``: (``int``) :math:`\left(0,25e^3\right)` - ``r``: (``int``) :math:`\left(0,25e^3\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=nhypergeom_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'M': Integer(bounds=(0, 25_000)), 'n': Integer(bounds=(0, 25_000)), 'r': Integer(bounds=(0, 25_000)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_planck_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Planck distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``planck_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``p``: (``float``) :math:`\left(5e^{-308},1e^2\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=planck_gen(), data=data, vars={ # planck takes as shape parameter. The Planck distribution can be written as a geometric distribution (geom) with p = 1 - exp(-lambda) shifted by loc = -1. # # exp(-lambda) get small very quickly, so we choose 100 (~3.7e-44) 'p': Real(bounds=(5e-308, 1e2)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_poisson_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Poisson distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``poisson_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``mu`` [:math:`\mu`]: (``float``) :math:`\left(0,1e^{6}\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=poisson_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'mu': Real(bounds=(0., 1e6)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_randint_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Uniform distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``randint_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``low``: (``int``) :math:`\left(-25e^{3},25e^{3}\right)` - ``high``: (``int``) :math:`\left(-25e^{3},25e^{3}\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=randint_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'low': Integer(bounds=(-25_000, 25_000)), 'high': Integer(bounds=(-25_000, 25_000)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_skellam_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Skellam distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``skellam_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``mu1`` [:math:`\mu_1`]: (``float``) :math:`\left(5e^{-308},5e^{3}\right)` - ``mu2`` [:math:`\mu_2`]: (``float``) :math:`\left(5e^{-308},5e^{3}\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=skellam_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'mu1': Real(bounds=(5e-308, 5e3)), 'mu2': Real(bounds=(5e-308, 5e3)) }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_yulesimon_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Yule--Simon distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``yulesimon_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``alpha`` [:math:`\alpha`]: (``float``) :math:`\left(5e^{-308},2e^{4}\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=yulesimon_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'alpha': Real(bounds=(5e-308, 2e4)) # Guessed }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_zipf_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Zipf (Zeta) distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``zipf_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``a``: (``float``) :math:`\left(1+1e^{-12},2e^{4}\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=zipf_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'a': Real(bounds=(1. + 1e-12, 2e4)) # Guessed }, **kwargs)
[docs]class Fit_zipfian_gen(MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem): r""" This class allows to fit the generalized Zipfian distribution using a ``pymoo`` problem. It uses ``scipy``'s ``zipfian_gen`` as base distribution. Notes ----- Does not override :meth:`MixedVariableDistributionFittingProblem._evaluate()` and does not have any (in-)equality constraints. Calls the super constructor with these variables (in this order): - ``a``: (``float``) :math:`\left(0,2e^{4}\right)` - ``n``: (``int``) :math:`\left(0,25e^{3}\right)` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: NDArray[Shape['*'], Float], **kwargs): super().__init__(dist=zipfian_gen(), data=data, vars={ 'a': Real(bounds=(0., 2e4)), 'n': Integer(bounds=(0, 25_000)) }, **kwargs)