This module is called prior to the web application's initialization.
from sys import argv
from pickle import load
from metrics_as_scores.__init__ import DATASETS_DIR
from metrics_as_scores.tools.lazy import SelfResetLazy
from metrics_as_scores.distribution.distribution import Empirical, DistTransform, Empirical_discrete, KDE_approx, Parametric, Parametric_discrete, Dataset
from metrics_as_scores.cli.helpers import get_local_datasets, LocalDataset
from metrics_as_scores.webapp import data
def unpickle(file: str):
""":meta private:"""
with open(file=file, mode='rb') as f:
return load(f)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('The webapp requires pre-generated densities. You can generate these for your own datasets by using the corresponding wizard of the TUI before running this webapp.') from e
def load_data(dataset_id: str, preload: bool=False):
""":meta private:"""
print(f'Attempting to load dataset with ID: {dataset_id}')
manifest: LocalDataset = None
temp = list(get_local_datasets())
for ds in temp:
if ds['id'] == dataset_id:
manifest = ds
if manifest is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(f'There is no local dataset with ID "{dataset_id}".')
import pandas as pd
ds = Dataset(ds=manifest, df=pd.DataFrame())
data.ds = ds
print(f'Dataset loaded: {ds.ds["desc"]} by {", ".join(ds.ds["author"])}')
densities_dir = DATASETS_DIR.joinpath(f'./{ds.ds["id"]}/densities')
data.dataset_dir = DATASETS_DIR.joinpath(f'./{ds.ds["id"]}')
clazzes = [Empirical, Empirical_discrete, KDE_approx, Parametric, Parametric_discrete]
transfs = list(DistTransform)
data.cdfs = {}
for clazz in clazzes:
for transf in transfs:
data.cdfs[f'{clazz.__name__}_{transf.name}'] = SelfResetLazy(reset_after=3600.0 * (4. if preload else 1.),
fn_create_val=lambda clazz=clazz, transf=transf: unpickle(densities_dir.joinpath(f'./densities_{clazz.__name__}_{transf.name}.pickle')))
if preload:
print(f'Pre-loading data for {clazz.__name__}_{transf.name}')
[docs]def on_server_loaded(server_context):
Called by `bokeh` when the application loads. This is the entry point.
Here, we will read the requested dataset from the system's arg-vector.
It is expected there exists an argument in the shape ``dataset=<str>``.
If there exists another argument (without value) called ``preload``, then
all the dataset's densities will be loaded into memory before the web
application starts. Only recommended for large datasets and when you
have enough memory available.
dataset_id: str = None
for arg in argv:
if arg.startswith('dataset='):
dataset_id = arg.split('=')[1]
had_ex: Exception = None
load_data(dataset_id=dataset_id, preload='preload' in argv)
except Exception as ex:
had_ex = ex
if isinstance(had_ex, Exception):
from sys import exit
from traceback import TracebackException