
Submodules module

This module contains few functions that are required in multiple other modules and classes of Metrics As Scores. float, stop: float, num: int, func: ~typing.Callable[[float], float] = <function <lambda>>) NDArray[Any, Any][source]

Used to create a non-linear space. This is useful to sample with greater detail in some place, and with lesser detail in another.

start: float

The start of the space.

stop: float

The stop (end) of the space.

num: int

The number of samples.

func: Callable[[float], float]

A function that, given a linear x, creates a non-linear y. The default is lambda x: 1. - .9 * square(x). dict[str, Any], parent_key: str = '', sep: str = '_') dict[str, Any][source]

Recursively flatten a dictionary, creating merged key names. Courtesy of

class ~nptyping.ndarray.NDArray[~nptyping.base_meta_classes.Shape[*], ~numpy.float64], fp: ~nptyping.ndarray.NDArray[~nptyping.base_meta_classes.Shape[*], ~numpy.float64], left: ~typing.Optional[float] = None, right: ~typing.Optional[float] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Helper class used for transforming and interpolating a CDF into a PPF.

__init__(xp: ~nptyping.ndarray.NDArray[~nptyping.base_meta_classes.Shape[*], ~numpy.float64], fp: ~nptyping.ndarray.NDArray[~nptyping.base_meta_classes.Shape[*], ~numpy.float64], left: ~typing.Optional[float] = None, right: ~typing.Optional[float] = None) None[source]
__call__(x: ~nptyping.ndarray.NDArray[~nptyping.base_meta_classes.Shape[*], ~numpy.float64]) float64][source]

Call self as a function. ~typing.Callable[[float], float], x: ~nptyping.ndarray.NDArray[~nptyping.base_meta_classes.Shape[*], ~numpy.float64], cdf_samples: int = 5000, y_left: ~typing.Optional[float] = None, y_right: ~typing.Optional[float] = None) Union[Interpolator, Callable[[float], float]][source]

Adapted implementation from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution.monotone_fn_inverter() that handles out-of-bounds values explicitly. Also, we assume that fn is vectorized. str) int[source]

Natural string sorting.

Courtesy of DataFrame, group_col: str, feature_cols: list[str]) DataFrame[source]

Transforms a “typical” data frame into the format that is used by Metrics As Scores. A typical data frame is one in which there is a column with the group, and a dedicated column for each feature’s observations. That kind of data frame, however, implies we have the same amount of observations per feature. The format used by Metrics As Scores stacks the observations and adds an extra ordinal column for the feature. This way, we allow an arbitrary number of observations per feature.

df: pd.DataFrame

The original data frame that has one or more feature columns and one group designated group column.

group_col: str

The name of the group column.

feature_cols: list[str]

A non-empty list of features’ names to include.


Exception: If the number of given feature columns is zero or if any of the given features or the group is not present as a column in the data frame.


A data frame with the 3 columns Feature (ordinal; name of the feature column from the original dataset), Group (ordinal, the group_col repeated n times, where n is the length of the given data frame), and Value (the numeric observation). module

This module contains a single class, SelfResetLazy. It is used to lazily load pre-generated densities in the web application. Since these files can get large quickly, the SelfResetLazy allows to free memory if its loaded value has expired.

class Callable[[], T], fn_destroy_val: Optional[Callable[[T], Any]] = None, reset_after: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Bases: Generic[T]

This class lazily loads and automatically destroys its value after some timeout, so that subsequent requests to it force the factory to produce a new instance. All of its semantics are thread-safe (except for the explicitly named volatile members).

__init__(fn_create_val: Callable[[], T], fn_destroy_val: Optional[Callable[[T], Any]] = None, reset_after: Optional[float] = None) None[source]
fn_create_val: Callable[[], T]

Function that produces the desired value.

fn_destroy_val: Callable[[T], Any]

Function that will be given the value before it is de-referenced here.

reset_after: float

Amount of time, in seconds, after which the produced value ought to be destroyed.

property reset_after

Thread-safe getter for the reset-after property.


Thread-safe method to destroy a previously produced value. If a value is present, it is passed to py:meth:fn_destroy_val() first.

property has_value_volatile: bool

Checks, in a volatile manner, if a value is present.

property has_value: bool

Thread-safe getter for checking if a value is present.

property value_volatile: Union[None, T]

Volatile getter for the may-not-present value.

property value: T

Thread-safe getter for the value. If no value is present, one will be produced and this getter blocks until then.

property value_future: Future[T]

Returns an awaitable Future that will hold the value once it is available.

Module contents

This package contains tools that are commonly used in Metrics As Scores.