const { inspect } = require('util')
, jsNumberRegex = /^(?<sign>\-)?((?<int>(0|([1-9]\d*?))(?<big>n)?)|(?<float>(0|([1-9]\d*?))?\.\d+?))(?<sci>(e|E)(\-|\d)?\d+)?$/
, jsNumberBinaryRegex = /^(?<sign>\-)?(?<prefix>0(b|B))(?<val>[01]+)(?<big>n)?$/
, jsNumberOctalRegex = /^(?<sign>\-)?(?<prefix>0(o|O)?)(?<val>[0-7]+?)(?<big>n)?$/
, jsNumberHexRegex = /^(?<sign>\-)?(?<prefix>0(x|X))(?<val>[0-9a-fA-F]+)(?<big>n)?$/;
* @author Sebastian Hönel <>
class Resolve {
* Check whether or not a value is of a specific type, that can be given
* as an example, an actual Type/Class or the name of a class.
* @param {any} value the value to check
* @param {any|String} exampleOrTypeOrClassName an examplary other value you'd
* expect, a type (e.g. RegExp) or class or the name of a class or c'tor-function.
* @returns {Boolean}
static isTypeOf(value, exampleOrTypeOrClassName) {
if (typeof exampleOrTypeOrClassName === 'string' && typeof value === 'string') {
// Check if the given example was a string and the value as well:
return true;
} else { // The example is not a string
try {
if (value instanceof exampleOrTypeOrClassName) { // let's make a quick check first
return true;
} catch (e) { }
try {
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value)
, ctor = !!proto && proto.hasOwnProperty('constructor') ? proto.constructor : null;
if (typeof exampleOrTypeOrClassName === 'string') {
if ( === exampleOrTypeOrClassName) {
return true;
} else if (Resolve.isFunction(exampleOrTypeOrClassName)) {
if (ctor === exampleOrTypeOrClassName) {
return true;
} else {
const exProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(exampleOrTypeOrClassName)
, exCtor = !!exProto && exProto.hasOwnProperty('constructor') ? exProto.constructor : null;
if (proto === exProto || ctor === exCtor) {
return true;
} catch (e) { }
if (Resolve.isPrimitive(value) && Resolve.isPrimitive(exampleOrTypeOrClassName)
&& value === exampleOrTypeOrClassName) {
return true;
return false;
* @param {any|Number} value
* @param {Boolean} [tryConvert] Optional. Default false. Whether to attempt
* converting the given value to Number. Returns true should that succeed.
* @returns {Boolean} true, iff the given number or NaN is of type Number,
* or if it was requested to be converted and that conversion succeeded.
static isNumber(value, tryConvert = false) {
const isValNumber = === '[object Number]';
if (!isValNumber && tryConvert) {
return Resolve.isNumber(Resolve.tryAsNumber(value));
return isValNumber;
* Gets a regular expression that can be used to match valid integers,
* floats and floats in scientific notation. Integers are only recognized
* if they are in Base 10 (i.e., not binary, octal or hexadecimal; you will
* have to use the other regexes for that).
* @type {RegExp}
static get numberRegex() {
return jsNumberRegex;
* Gets a regular expression that can be used to match valid integers,
* in binary notation (base 2). Integers can be BigInts.
* @type {RegExp}
static get numberBinaryRegex() {
return jsNumberBinaryRegex;
* Gets a regular expression that can be used to match valid integers,
* in octal notation (base 8). Integers can be BigInts.
* @type {RegExp}
static get numberOctalRegex() {
return jsNumberOctalRegex;
* Gets a regular expression that can be used to match valid integers,
* in hexadecimal notation (base 16). Integers can be BigInts.
* @type {RegExp}
static get numberHexRegex() {
return jsNumberHexRegex;
* Attempts conversion of a number in a string to a native number. Supports
* literal integers and floats, also in scientific notation. Also supports
* integers in literal base 2 (binary), 8 (octal) and 16 (hex) notation.
* Integers can be BigInts (ending in n).
* @param {String} value A number (as int, float or scientific notation) to
* be parsed to a native Number object. Also supports the literal 'NaN'.
* @throws {Error} if the value cannot be parsed as a number. Also throws an
* error if a literal integer in base 2, 8 or 16 is attempted to be converted
* to BigInt, in cases where it is larger than @see {Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}.
* @returns {Number|BigInt} the value parsed as Number.
static asNumber(value) {
value = `${value}`.trim();
if (value === 'NaN') {
return NaN;
const match_2_8_16 = value.match(Resolve.numberBinaryRegex) ||
value.match(Resolve.numberOctalRegex) ||
if (match_2_8_16 !== null) {
// Those 3 have the same groups: sign?, prefix, value, big?
const useBase = /x/i.test(match_2_8_16.groups.prefix) ? 16 :
(/b/i.test(match_2_8_16.groups.prefix) ? 2 : 8)
, intVal = parseInt(`${match_2_8_16.groups.val}`, useBase)
, usesign = match_2_8_16.groups.sign === '-' ? -1 : 1
, useBig = intVal > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || match_2_8_16.groups.big === 'n';
if (useBig) {
// BigInt cannot currently be constructed from a literal binary, octal
// or hexadecimal number, and we cannot use the parsed value from
// parseInt() if it is actually bigger than MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, as we
// likely have lost precision. Anyhow, we go ahead and attempt construction,
// as it might work in the future.
return BigInt(`${match_2_8_16.groups.sign || ''}${intVal}`);
return usesign * intVal;
const match = value.match(Resolve.numberRegex);
if (match === null) {
throw new Error(`Cannot cast value '${value}' as number. It must be in the format ${Resolve.numberRegex.toString()}.`);
// let's check the sign and whether it's an int/float/sci:
const groups = match.groups
, all = `${ || ''}${groups.float || ''}${groups.sci || ''}`
, isNeg = groups.sign === '-' ? -1 : 1
, isBig = groups.big === 'n'
, isFloatOrSci = typeof groups.float === 'string' || typeof groups.sci === 'string'
, parsed = isFloatOrSci ? parseFloat(all) : parseInt(all, 10);
if (!isFloatOrSci && (parsed > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || isBig)) {
// This is a BigInt!
return BigInt(`${groups.sign || ''}${}`);
return isNeg * parsed;
* Attempts conversion of a value to number, iff it is a valid number. Otherwise
* returns the value as is. Uses @see {asNumber}.
* @template T Basically any value.
* @param {T|String|Number|BigInt} value A value that is checked for whether it is a
* valid number or not. If the value is already a Number, it is returned as is.
* If it is a String, it is attempted to parse. Should that fail, the value is
* returned as is. If the value is not a Number and not a String, it is also
* returned as is.
* @returns {T|String|Number|BigInt}
static tryAsNumber(value) {
const t = typeof value;
if (t === 'number' || t === 'bigint') {
return value;
} else if (t === 'string') {
try {
return Resolve.asNumber(value);
} catch (e) {
return value;
return value;
* @param {any|Function|AsyncFunction} value
* @returns {Boolean} true, iff the given value is an (async) function
static isFunction(value) {
return typeof value === 'function';
* @param {any|Promise} value
* @returns {Boolean} true, iff the value is an instance of Promise
static isPromise(value) {
return Resolve.isTypeOf(value, Promise);
* @param {Symbol} value
* @returns {Boolean}
static isSymbol(value) {
return typeof value === 'symbol';
* @info {}
* @param {any} value
* @returns {Boolean} true, iff the value is primitive
static isPrimitive(value) {
return value === true || value === false || value === void 0 || value === null
|| typeof value === 'string' || Resolve.isNumber(value) || Resolve.isSymbol(value);
* Similar to @see {toValue}, this method returns the default value for the given
* value, should it be undefined. Other than that, this method returns the same as
* @see {toValue}.
* @see {toValue}
* @template T
* @returns {T} the resolved-to value or its default, should it be undefined.
static async optionalToValue(defaultValue, value, exampleOrTypeOrClassName, resolveFuncs = true, resolvePromises = true) {
if (value === void 0) {
return defaultValue;
return await Resolve.toValue(...[...arguments].slice(1));
* Resolve a literal value, a function or Promise to a value. If enabled, deeply
* resolves functions or Promises. Attempts to resolve (to a) value until it matches
* the expected example, type/class or class name.
* @see {Resolve.isTypeOf}
* @template T
* @param {any|T|producerHandler<T>|Promise<T>} value a literal value or an (async) function
* or Promise that may produce a value of the expected type or exemplary value.
* @param {any|string|T} [exampleOrTypeOrClassName] Optional. If not given, will only
* resolve functions and promises to a value that is not a function and not a Promise.
* Otherwise, pass in an examplary other value you'd expect, a type (e.g. RegExp) or
* class or the name of a class or c'tor-function.
* @param {Boolean} [resolveFuncs] Optional. Defaults to true. If true, then functions
* will be called and their return value will be checked against the expected type or
* exemplary value. Note that this parameter applies recursively, until a function's
* returned value no longer is a function.
* @param {Boolean} [resolvePromises] Optional. Defaults to true. If true, then Promises
* will be awaited and their resolved value will be checked against the expected type or
* exemplary value. Note that this parameter applies recursively, until a Promise's
* resolved value no longer is a Promise.
* @throws {Error} if the value cannot be resolved to the expected type or exemplary
* value.
* @returns {T} the resolved-to value
static async toValue(value, exampleOrTypeOrClassName, resolveFuncs = true, resolvePromises = true) {
const hasExample = arguments.length > 1
, checkType = val => {
return Resolve.isTypeOf(val, exampleOrTypeOrClassName) ||
(!hasExample && !Resolve.isFunction(val) && !Resolve.isPromise(val));
} , orgVal = value;
if (checkType(value)) {
return value;
do {
let isFunc = false, isProm = false;
if ((resolveFuncs && (isFunc = Resolve.isFunction(value)))
|| (resolvePromises && (isProm = Resolve.isPromise(value)))) {
value = isFunc ? value() : await value;
if (checkType(value)) {
return value;
} else {
} else {
} while (true);
throw new Error(`The value '${inspect(orgVal)}' cannot be resolved to
'${exampleOrTypeOrClassName}' using resolveFuncs=${resolveFuncs}
and resolvePromises=${resolvePromises}.`);
* @see {Resolve.toValue}
* @template T
* Convenience method for resolving functions and/or Promises to values. Calls
* toValue() without an example which leads to resolving the given function or
* Promise until it yields a value that is not a function and not a Promise.
* @param {producerHandler<T|Promise<T>>|Promise<T>} asyncFuncOrPromise An (async)
* function or a Promise.
* @returns {T} The result of deeply resolving the given function or Promise.
static async asyncFuncOrPromise(asyncFuncOrPromise) {
if (!Resolve.isFunction(asyncFuncOrPromise) && !Resolve.isPromise(asyncFuncOrPromise)) {
throw new Error(`The value given for func is neither an (async) function nor a Promise. The value given was: ${inspect(asyncFuncOrPromise)}`);
return await Resolve.toValue(asyncFuncOrPromise);
module.exports = Object.freeze({